Just a reminder that WRITING Magazine will be on sale from 4th June, with my winning short story ALL OF US HERE. If you don't subscribe to WRITING Magazine or buy the issue from a stationers, I will be reprinting my short story on this blog, although not until end July or early August.
And another reminder - a free download of my book 'CABBAGE BOY' will be available on Amazon for 5 days from 8th June - a Thank You to all who sent their congratulations.
CABBAGE BOY is a sort of 'WONDER' story, part funny, part tragic, about misfits and mutations, and is suitable for adults and older children.
I hope you’ll enjoy it. The inspiration for any author’s books can come from a multitude of sources. In the case of CABBAGE BOY, the idea was sparked by the large field behind my home.
Living in the country you get used to the various noises and smells. The chugging of the tractors as they work with spotlights through the night; the clamour of pigeons as they gobble their ten per cent of the newly sewn seeds and then return to the giant tree fronting my house (leaving deposits on the drive en route); the rotting cabbage smell of rape stalks after the crop’s been harvested; the aromas of manure and weed killer.
But three years ago a new manure was sprayed on the land. This, we learned, was processed from human waste. Its smell was the most potent yet. Garden parties were cancelled. Washing was dried indoors. If we’d had masks at that time, we would have worn them.
But this new manure set me thinking. Although it had been processed, what if it still contained some microscopic elements of DNA? Human DNA.
And so the idea for CABBAGE BOY was born. Read the book to find out more!
How wonderful. Congratulations!