A short story can be anything from 500 (flash fiction) to 10,000 words, although the most popular length (for short story competitions, etc) is 1500 to 1700 words.
The short story is usually restricted to a single theme, a single mood, a single conflict, a single incident, a single episode in a character's life, a moment that changes someone's life or attitude in some way. It doesn't necessarily have a beginning, a middle and an end. Sometimes it can be circular, but usually something changes, something is resolved, the main character is affected in some way.
should be few characters, and usually just a single viewpoint, past
or present tense.
There's no room for waffling, wordiness or over-long description.
There's no room for waffling, wordiness or over-long description.
word counts, every action is significant.
should leave the reader feeling entertained, mystified, amused,
thoughtful, disturbed, pleased or sad but, in one way or another,
satisfied. Ideally, it should remain in the reader's mind for at
least as long as it takes to read. A bit like a good poem, really.
it's short, that doesn't mean it's easy to write. In fact, it can be
quite a challenge.
a circular example, one of mine (THE GOOD NEIGHBOURS OF ROWAN
residents of Rowan Crescent are very similar, successful husband,
fashionable wife not needing to go out to work, 2.4 children etc.
They live in each other's pockets, holding regular parties hosted by
each couple in turn, babysitting for each other, sharing their woes
and their triumphs. Perfect neighbours with perfect lifestyles.
one husband abandons his wife for his secretary. At first the
abandoned wife's friends are full of sympathy and offers of help.
Their husbands rush to repair her washing machine when it breaks
down, fix her roof, mow her lawn etc., the wives shop for her when
she has to go back to work, and of course she is still invited to all
the parties. But gradually the wives begin to complain and criticise.
Their husbands are far too eager to help the forsaken neighbour, it's
a nuisance looking after her children so frequently, and it can be
awkward having odd numbers at dinner parties etc. Soon they cease to
invite her, and it's not long before she is ignored.
she sells the house and moves away with her children. A new couple
with 2.4 children move in. They are welcomed with open arms and
offers of help by their good neighbours and the cycle begins again.
(About 2500 words)
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