Ask a dozen writers about their writing methods and you'll get a dozen different answers. Some start with an interesting character, others with a situation or a crime or a location. Some start at the beginning, others write the final chapter first, some plan every chapter meticulously before they begin, others just get started and see where it leads them.
Being a compulsive writer, my mind is usually buzzing with ideas for the next book before I've finished the previous one - rather like a chocoholic eating the last chocolate in the box and already eyeing a new unopened box.
I tend to write the first three or four chapters of a new story in a rush of enthusiasm and then pause to think where it's going. And then, quite often I'll put it aside while I design a cover, which I find hard work but great fun.
Once the cover's finished (although I might change it at some stage during the book's progress) I can get on with the manuscript.
If you're planning to self publish with Amazon KDP, you'll have just two options: pay a professional designer to design the cover or do it yourself. If you decide to have a go, it need not cost you anything. is an excellent free graphics programme (I use it all the time) and you don't need to be an accomplished artist, although you do need an eye for design and balance.
Using a marked-out template (supplied by Amazon to the size of your proposed book) you can import images, download your choice of fonts, select background colours and a host of graphic effects. It's all free - and if you're not happy with the result, all you've wasted is your time
However, if the above is more than you want to attempt, Amazon supplies a number of free designs, where all you have to do is change the wordage (title, author and blurb).
Finally, you can check out Fiverr, an international online organisation, and hire a professional designer to create your cover (prices from under £20!).