I can't stress enough how essential this is. The wrong title, the wrong image(s), the wrong design, the wrong colours: all these can affect sales of your novel.
Heavens, I've made enough mistakes myself, so I do know what I'm writing about!

THE MYSTERY OF CRAVEN MANOR. This is my most successful book, an adventure story for middle range children, and I think the following are what makes it attract attention:
a) The word 'Mystery' in the title.
b) The name of the house (Craven - fearful)
c) The house in darkness, all bar a few lit windows - creates atmosphere.
d) The night sky, with just a few stars. (The stars were actually incorporated in the font that I chose.
These all say what's in the tin, and the whole effect is atmospheric.

This book is one of my own favourites.
It's about a single, thirty-something young woman, a lowly care worker in a retirement home, still a virgin and the only one of her gorgeous all-female family who looks like her Dad.
It's a feel-good, romantic success story, but you'd never guess it from the title and cover.
Is Dingo a dog? Is it a biography of a composer? Is it about the legal profession?
Nothing explains the story. The all-black cover is not exactly inviting, the small image of a Will even less so.
If I had the time and the energy I'd pull it out, design a new cover, choose a new title, and re-publish it. I did, however, use black again (or rather, a series of darks) in THE GIRL IN THE ATTIC, but there the idea was to create mystery and atmosphere, and I hope it was effective.
(Note: If you're publishing an Amazon, remember that book covers are shown as small thumbprints, so do make sure the words and images are sharp, clear and contrast well with the background.)
You can view all my other book covers on the MY BOOKS page above.(I will be posting more information about designing book covers in August, so please keep checking).
You can view all my other book covers on the MY BOOKS page above.(I will be posting more information about designing book covers in August, so please keep checking).
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