Monday, 13 July 2020


Fat Bottomed Girls

I love all Queen's music but this is the piece I think of when I've had an extra long writing session at the laptop - sometimes up to three hours without moving a gluteus maximus.
Yet after I've dragged myself away, exhausted, exercise isn't the first thing on my mind. Or even the second.
Chocolate comes first, coffee second - or maybe a glass of wine. After that, even more exhausted, I throw myself down on the couch or the rug and watch something mindless on television.
I envy those writers who are blessed with an iron discipline and will set out for a five mile run or a  ten mile cycle after a session. Are you one of them?
Usually all I want to do when I've had my chocolate, coffee and wine is to get back to the laptop and write the next chapter -
OR  - write another blog post. And next week I'll be starting a new multi-part blog series on HOW TO SELF-PUBLISH YOUR FIRST NOVEL (AND GET IT NOTICED). I hope to cover as many aspects as possible, so if you have any comments or requests, please contact me or comment on this blog.

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