Friday, 2 June 2017



I picked up a fascinating book at a secondhand store. It's called JUST MY TYPE by Simon Garfierld and is all about fonts. No time to do more than dip into it at the moment but each time I do I get something of interest. For instance, John Baskerville,printer and creator of the Baskerville font (obviously), died in 1774 and his widow had the equivalent of a car boot sale and offered everything in his print foundry for £4000 including the matrices etc for the Baskerville font.
John Baskerville, at his own wish, was buried vertically in his mausoleum but was subsequently moved several times, ending up (horizontal) in a bricked up vault in Birmingham.There are sections on the 10 most popular fonts, the ten worst fonts, fonts to write a love letter, one called Jesus Loves You which incorporates thorns and barbed wire. The Sex Pistols publicity used Ransom Note, which is the one that looks as if every letter has been cut out of a different magazine or newspaper.And if you're into illustration or cover design there's an app called TypeDrawing which allows you to choose a font, colour and size, and use your finger to swirl the word patterns on screen to paint an object or picture.

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