having a lot of fun with Paint.Net, which is a FREE graphics
programme I have used to design the covers on all my books.
not a professional designer (although I do paint as well as write)
and I'm not a geek (I was in my thirties when I had my first
introduction to a computer, and I've learned the hard way, on my own
and by trial and error, so if I can do it, so can you!

use images from various sources, sometimes my own drawings or
paintings, sometimes photographs (but beware using someone else's
work without payment or permission). Sometimes I use the whole image,
sometimes I crop to a smaller detail from it. Then I can play about
with it, change size, pixels, colour, use special effects, whatever I

can delete, switch or colour-change backgrounds, merge images, add
text (for title, author, etc) - and Paint.Net has a whole range of
other tricks I haven't even investigated yet.
rather enjoy selecting fonts, and Paint.Net has a huge range, mostly
matching Microsoft's own list. I particularly like AR Carter, which
has crazy dots surrounding the letters and which I used on my MYSTERY
OF CRAVEN MANOR cover - not suitable for an adult romance, but great
for that particular children's novel!

my latest (adult) novel I've used Andy. The book isn't finished yet
but I couldn't resist designing the cover as an impetus to forge
I like best about Paint.Net is their layering system. This is not
unique to Paint.Net - other graphics software programmes have it - but
it does make things easier for the designer.
start off by sizing your 'canvas'. After that, you add a layer for
each process: one for background, another for your image, another for
a line of text, and so on. Each layer is ticked, but if you make a
mistake or want to redesign one layer, all you need to do is to
untick all the other layers, delete the incorrect one, add another layer with your new input. Simple!
Here are some of my book covers, together with the one I've just completed for my next book ME, DINGO AND SIBELIUS. Hope you like them.

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