I love creating a baddie - they're so much more colourful than the goodies. Here's Great Aunt Dorothy from my children's novel THE MYSTERY OF CRAVEN MANOR:
As his eyes became accustomed to the dimness he saw something bulky in the corner, motionless in the shadows. Then the hum of wheels and Great Aunt Dorothy moved forward to greet him. He tried not to stare at the grotesque figure in the wheelchair. Great Aunt Dorothy was immense. He thought she was probably the fattest person he had ever seen. Her flesh - so much flesh that it overflowed the sides of the chair - was swathed in black, and in spite of the warmth of the day a fur cape hid her shoulders. Her dark hair was coiled in an elaborate pyramid of curls, held by a large tortoiseshell comb. Matt wondered if it was a wig. He wondered if she was bald underneath.
Thick white powder clogged the heavy folds of her face and neck. Against the whiteness her scarlet lips and the dabs of rouge on her cheeks gave her the look of a sinister clown. Her eyes were sharp and black as basalt.
On her lap was a large open box of chocolates. A plump hand hovered over it, chose and popped one into the scarlet circle of her mouth.
'You may sit on the bed,' she said. He stared at the rumpled satin sheets. A heavy musky scent rose from them.
She laughed, a slurpy chesty laugh that set her mounds of flesh shaking in several directions at once.
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