hope you'll enjoy reading or giving one or two to someone else. You'll find more information and a 'read inside' facility on Amazon for each book.
Happy Christmas!
hope you'll enjoy reading or giving one or two to someone else. You'll find more information and a 'read inside' facility on Amazon for each book.
Happy Christmas!
If you look at my Book Page, you'll see that my latest novel for middle grade kids, THE BOY WITH MY FACE (published June 2021), has a new cover. This will be the third. For various reasons I wasn't satisfied with the previous two (and I can't be sure I'll be satisfied with the latest one) but sometimes I just can't stop fiddling!
I've also changed both the cover and the title of another of my books. AFFAIR WITH AN ANGEL is now titled EMAILS FROM HEAVEN, and I've brought back my original drawing of Zoe, the heroine. I changed the title partly because I felt it gave the wrong impression. This is far from being the usual meet-up between male and female, and the 'Will they/won't they?' question. It actually poses a lot of theological questions - albeit in a slightly irreverent, but humorous way - and there's a mysterious twist at the end!
It's still just a pile of scribbled notes, but once again it will be about Heaven and Hell - although this time the humour will be really dark, and the sins much more weighty. Don't bother watching this space - I will be having my usual battle between hunching over my laptop to churn out chapters, and the pressing demands of the house and garden.
Before Covid and lockdowns I hosted two writers' groups, each with up to ten members. Sadly, we had to disband and I've missed them so much. However, now I and my old and new friends are all double vaccinated, we have a new group which for the forseeable future is restricted to six members. Perhaps, if the time ever comes when we can raise two fingers to Covid, we can enlarge it again but meantime it's such a joy to get together and talk about our favourite subject - writing.
Our second meeting takes place next week and the main topic will be 'Settings' and how the choice of house, dwelling or habitat can trigger your creation of characters. I'm reminded of an old television programme 'Through The Keyhole' and the question 'Who lives in a house like this?'
Even in this small group, we are a mix - novelists, short story writers, children's illustrated book creators, and those still in the early stages of their writing life, and that should spark some lively discussions.
My Doppelganger
Many decades ago, in the days
before discos, I discovered I had a Doppelganger. I was catching my
breath between dances when this girl popped up beside me. ‘Hello!’ she said.
‘Haven’t seen you for ages. How’s your poor Mum?’
Well, Mum had had a slight cold but she was well past the sodden tissue stage. I didn’t recognise the girl but I’d never been good at putting names and faces together, so ‘She’s fine,’ I said.
The girl – Miriam, I found out - went on to mention various friends we had in common. I’d never heard of any of them but I spent so much time with my head buried in books that I could easily have mislaid a few acquaintances. So I went along with it and we had quite a nice chat.
Over the next couple of months we bumped into each other several times and I got quite skilled at picking up clues and discussing our mutual ‘friends’. The last time I saw Miriam I was lying on a stretcher, having given blood and feeling quite drained, when I heard a voice from the next stretcher.
‘Hello! Fancy meeting you here!’ It was Miriam.
The chances of having an exact double are estimated at up to three trillion to one, and I never did discover the identity of my Doppelganger, our mutual friend, but more than half a century later the memory led me to write my latest novel.
‘The Boy With My Face’ is the story of Simon, a lonely 13-year-old who sees a photo in a newspaper of a runaway who looks exactly like him. It’s a gripping and emotional family mystery, full of plot twists and cliffhangers.
For readers of 12 years and upwards, it’s available from Amazon in both paperback and e-book.